
Christian Jankowski’s Smell Maneuvre in Lübeck

Artist Christian Jankowski’s work ‘Smell Maneuver’, created in the context of Quizá Mañana, the 16th Bienal de Cuenca in Ecuador, marks an intersection of art, scent, and social commentary.


Cosmic Gardens immersive show in Dubai

The French Brooklyn-based duo Cosmic Gardens (Clément Mercet & Ugo Charron) presents an immersive multi-sensorial show that combines indie electronic music, stunning visuals and tantalizing smells to take you on an introspective exploratory journey.


Perfuming music: Mane and Cercle team up for a series of immersive concerts

Cercle creates experiences and organises festivals and concerts that shine the spotlight on cultural and natural heritage with a fusion of music, aesthetics and showcasing artists and venues. Ugo Charron, Mane perfumer created its olfactory signature: Golden Hour scent will be diffused on 10 July in Geneva for a concert in front of Saint Pierre Cathedral.

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