Resynthesizers, by Florian Hecker
Organized by Equitable Vitrines, Florian Hecker’s solo exhibition in Los Angeles is staged within R.M. Schindler’s Fitzpatrick-Leland House. The exhibition features synthetic sound compositions, scent, and diffused text.
Taken together, these components, respectively created in dialogue with Alberto de Campo, Axel Roebel, Marc vom Ende and Philip Kraft, and Robin Mackay, simultaneously constitute a visceral field of intensities and a pointed analysis of the molecular construction of sensory experience in the technological present.
In response to Resynthesizers, three olfactory-art accords were devised by Marc vom Ende and Philip Kraft of Symrise, each based around one key perfumery material. These are diffused at three discrete locations throughout the building. These explore the intersecting odor space between three significant milestones in fragrance chemistry dating from 1874 (vanillin), 1966 (Calone 1951) and 2021 (Flowerpool) respectively — thereby connecting to references in some of Hecker’s recent works, which reappear in further abstracted or highly progressed modalities within Resynthesizers, where the libretto by Robin Mackay and the sound synthesis algorithm by Axel Roebel refer to previous projects such as FAVN (2016), Resynthese FAVN (2017), and Inspection II (2019).
In addition to the experience on site, the olfactory artwork Resynthesizers 0.4: Vanilla Oceanics is also available in a limited edition of 4.